This narrative focuses upon the ancestry of Charlotte Anne
Donald Muffley, and is dedicated to her memory. Anne passed away in Sweden in
2002. Considerable information about her Donald, and other, ancestry is
available online. The current narrative is meant merely to focus upon some
interesting highlights.
Oral accounts of our particular Donald family history go
back to Watson Augustus Donald (born 1844 in South Carolina), great-great
grandfather of Anne Donald Muffley. Documentary evidence is solid back one more
generation, to the parents of Watson Augustus Donald: Andrew J. Donald and
Unity Amanda Morgan Donald. Earlier than
that, evidence is less certain, but our Andrew J. Donald (b. about 1815 in
South Carolina) was reportedly a son of Alexander Donald (b. 1790). A number of trees at show
Alexander’s father as James Donald, a son of Alexander and Margaret Dearest
Clanton Donald.