Amy & Kirk will wed in 2017. They had something in common even before they met: Joint ancestry. It is nearly certain that their Most Recent Common Ancestors (MRCAs) were Robert Rutherford (born 1663) & Margaret Vawter. The generational reach is too great for autosomal DNA (atDNA) to confirm this hypothesized common ancestry with confidence, but we have some interesting Rutherford DNA matches to both Amy & Kirk. At Amy’s kit number is T257850 for atDNA. Kirk’s kit number is T945852. For those with access, the common ancestors appear in Amy’s Bierman-Rowe tree at:

Robert Rutherford’s probable yDNA cannot connect him to Rutherford of Scotland, as there was reportedly a Non-Paternity event during Colonial America whereby our Rutherford/Retherford line of interest may have been one of several which acquired Moffatt yDNA. Search for “Moffatt” at

Robert’s grandson William Rutherford (b. 1727) married Ursula Parrish. Their son Julius (b. 1757) & his wife Rhoda were the ancestors of Kirk, his sister, Kirk’s daughter, & various cousins. Julius’ brother Archibald was the ancestor of Kirk’s atDNA match Stephen. Julius’ & Archibald’s brother Thomas was the reported ancestor of RutherfordCPA, whose yDNA is a match to that of Lyn, a known cousin of Kirk & crew. Julius’ son Michael Retherford & his wife Matilda were Most Recent Common Ancestors for Kirk & George G., but the atDNA match picture is complicated by a second set of MRCAs: O’Bryant-Clark.  Kirk & George have a total of 91.4 centiMorgans of shared chromosomal segments, loading on 5 segments. It seems likely that there is some input from both sets of MRCAs.

We are fortunate to have acquired (from Salt Lake City via the wife of George) an extensive account of the Revolutionary War activities of Julius Rutherford. Julius’ brother Archibald was also was in that war. Both have files in the DAR database, as do some of their other brothers. Julius & Archibald Rutherford are also on a roster of those present at Valley Forge:

Kirk’s ancestor William Rutherford (b. 1727), father of Julius, had a first cousin Reuben Rutherford (b. 1760). Reuben was Amy’s 6th great-grandfather & was the guy whose family wound up in Pike County Kentucky, scene of much of Amy’s ancestral activity. Reuben’s son Joseph Rutherford married Permillia Keesee: These were MRCAs for Amy & John, A012825 at GEDmatch. John’s GEDCOM file is available for viewing at GEDmatch. Amy’s & John’s small atDNA match is complicated by a second set of MRCAs: Adron Runyon & Mary Ann May.

Serepta Rutherford (daughter of Joseph & Permillia) married William Jefferson May (son of Adron & Mary Ann). They were Amy’s 4th great-grandparents. We have a photo of Serepta & her husband, viewable at

Their son Adron May (b. 1857) married Martha Jane Smith: These were the MRCAs for Amy & Sherry W., Kit # A441496, whose atDNA match with Amy shows multiple & sizable shared chromosomal segments. Adron’s & Martha’s daughter Sally May married Elijah Saunders, & these were the MRCAs for Amy & Darlene, our Facebook correspondent.